Saturday, April 21, 2012


I hate Facebook. I just DON’T understand why people love it so much. I don’t get how people can spend hours on Facebook, it’s just.. no. Every once in a while I decide that I should give Facebook another chance, I spend some time on it for a couple of weeks but I come to the same conclusion every single time, I hate it. I just think Facebook is really boring in comparison to Twitter (there it is again) and Tumblr. But that’s not what’s really pissing me off, it’s the people on Facebook.

How I see it, there are 4 kinds of people on Facebook. First of all there’s the people who think they’re funny, posting ‘witty’ and ‘funny’ comments. Sometimes they’re actually funny –usually not though- but the fact that they’re trying so hard kind of ruins it for me. Then there’s the attention seeking girls. Posting 429910242 pictures of themselves with a caption along the lines of ‘ugh I’m so ugly’. WELL IF YOU THOUGHT YOU WERE UGLY YOU WOULDN’T BE POSTING ALL THESE PICTURES HUH? So at this point I’m getting really annoyed and there are the people who ask for likes (this kind of fits in the attention-seeking-category too but I hate it so much that they deserve more than that). Asking for likes is so annoying, I cant even describe my hate towards that ‘phenomenon’.  And last but not least there’s the duckfaces, there’s nothing I  hate more than girls who think their duckface is the cutest thing ever. I just want to throw their computer at their face and hope that gets the sense back in them.

So the annoying attention seeking people are the main reason why I came to the conclusion that I hate Facebook for the 3rd time in the past year. I guess I should just give up on it forever now or I’ll throw something at my computer next time. I’ll just stick with Twitter, that’s where all the fun people are at anyways.

1 comment:

  1. Preach it guuurl..totally agree with you once again!!As I said before keep up the good work :) I'm a big fan!!
